Global Experience,
Local Expertise.

A world where a community’s future is not determined by its circumstances, but by the aspirations of its people.

We’re bringing together the best of global experience and local expertise to build a foundation for progress.
"As an organization, we have a shared vision and what varies are the approaches we take because each community’s (and individual’s) current circumstances are as unique as their hopes for the future.
The diverse perspectives and knowledge of our team, with 99% hired locally, make the difference. Working as one team, and working with those we serve, we tailor ideas into solutions that fit. Every day, I see how my colleagues’ understanding of complex challenges informs approaches to benefit communities—and every day, I am proud to do my part as a member of Blumont’s team."
— JONATHAN NASH, President and CEO, USA
"When I visit the homes of refugees, they open their doors and let me learn about their dreams and needs. Each action they take to integrate themselves into the community allows me to know their strength, their capacity for resilience, and the dreams they want to achieve. It is a challenge that has helped me learn on a personal and professional level and find ways to help communities come together."
— JHONNY, Assistance Officer, Colombia
"Since a young age, I was keen to be a professional and to contribute in the development of society, particularly for groups like girls and women. Women like me who have struggled, come from less advantaged areas, and are able to break the status quo and stereotypes, are role models for girls of future generations. This story is my story as well."
— SHAMA, Community Mobilization Advisor, Pakistan
“The support was so immense that it gave me the strength and ability to live. I am so emotional and grateful for the people who, without knowing me personally, have supported me.”
— ERIKA, rental support recipient in the Acogida program
One Team,
a World of Experience.
Blumont takes on big challenges in complex environments. It is not easy, but we do it because it makes a difference.
Our work requires understanding the context, identifying opportunities, adapting, evolving, and engaging. It takes engineers, social workers, accountants, evaluators, communicators, and people with skills across agriculture, protection, water, humanitarian assistance, project management, logistics, and more.
Together, we find the approach (or combination of approaches) to meet each community’s needs. This is where our experience and expertise matter. For example, as displayed in the graphic, our teams work with displaced people in different parts of the world. There are similarities in how we support these communities—because humanitarian assistance, protection, and dignity are at the core of all efforts—but what we do and how support is delivered varies. It has to, because migrants in Colombia, refugees in Jordan, and internally displaced people in Syria all have different needs and lived experiences.
Our team makes sure each response fits. Building on Blumont’s global experience and informed by our local expertise, we are making a positive difference in people’s lives across the continuum from relief to recovery to resilience.
For a downloadable version of the Annual Report, click here.

Providing Relief
We provide relief to communities in crisis. From refugee and displacement camps to regions emerging from conflict, our teams work to meet people’s basic needs, including safety, shelter, WASH, and trauma support.
Amidst challenging conditions, our COMAC teams delivered 10,000+ food and household assistance packages across all 34 provinces of Afghanistan. We also tailored more than 4,500 kits to help people rebuild livelihoods and provide for their families. (Donor: USAID)
“The assistance package helped me greatly to improve my work and generate sufficient income.” — MOHAMMAD, assistance recipient, Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, Colombia, Jordan, and Syria, we attended to people’s mental health and physical well-being. Whether through regular visits from social workers or mutual support groups for processing trauma, we ensured access to care and safe spaces that fit individual and community needs. (Donors: USAID, USAID BHA, DOS PRM, UNHCR)
“Working with refugees and displaced people changed my life. It made me more aware of working with sincerity and dedication. It strengthened my confidence to help people who have experienced calamities beyond their control.” — SAMIRA*, Social Worker, northeast Syria (*Name changed for privacy)
In six displacement camps in northeast Syria, we provided camp management services and psychosocial support, as well as food and household items. By layering activities and adapting to local contexts, we met each community’s immediate needs while prioritizing dignity and protection. (Donors: USAID BHA, DOS PRM, French MEFA, GFFO, Danish MFA)
Blumont engineers designed and constructed a 5.7 km water network in a camp in northeast Syria—a durable, underground system that directly serves 600 families and eliminates the need for daily water trucking. (Donor: GFFO)
“We are building the network as a humanitarian response to reduce risks to public health and ensure conditions that enable people to live in health, dignity, and comfort.” — EMAD, Senior Site Engineer, Iraq
“It makes me happy to be able to solve the problems of the women in the community.” — AMIRA, displacement camp resident and community leader, northeast Syria
Supporting Recovery
In the aftermath of conflict, we improve access to the services, resources, and networks needed for communities to rebuild their lives and recover their livelihoods. Our teams identify gaps and intervene with solutions that meet local needs and the aspirations of those we serve.
In Colombia, we worked with municipal governments to develop and implement community action plans that restore social ties and promote healing. People of all ages and abilities were engaged through mutual support groups, neighborhood improvement projects, and recreational activities. (Donor: USAID BHA, DOS PRM)
With technical support and training from the SAFER program, as well as use of improved seeds and irrigation methods, farmers in northeast Syria produced 1,365 tons of wheat and barley in 2022. (Donor: USAID BHA)
“I have noticed many people in my village start adopting the drip irrigation system technique after learning it from farmers we supported.” — MAJED, Senior Agriculture Engineer, northeast Syria
The Acogida team in Colombia helped Venezuelan migrants secure safe housing with nine months of rental support. This critical assistance allowed families to focus on employment, education, health, and building community connections that foster sustainable change. When the support ended, 63% could continue paying their own rent. (Donor: DOS PRM)
“My smile today means that I feel more integrated into this community. They are taking into account my needs as a migrant.” — ANAIS*, participant at a Blumont healthcare event, Colombia (*Name changed for privacy)
Our AMAL program provided job and business training, offered counseling, and partnered with local employers to support recent returnees and other community members in Iraq. More than 300 people developed skills in line with market demands to kickstart their livelihoods, resulting in an 86% increase in employment. (Donor: GIZ)
“Refugees are talented doctors, entrepreneurs, teachers, artists, farmers, and more. If given the chance, they will continue to contribute to their communities.” — CAROLINE HADDAD-AYOUB, Country Director, Jordan
Strengthening Resilience
Through technical support, rehabilitation of key infrastructure, and strengthening of value chains, we create a foundation for communities to build on and create a path to a more resilient future. We work with local leaders, civil society, and governance structures to sustain progress.
In Jordan, Smart Desert offered support to agricultural home-based businesses, including the establishment of a new production line where farmers in remote areas could package and store produce for new markets and year-round sales. (Donor: AFD)
“We used to work seasonally. Now, we have a fridge and dehydrator to support year-round production. We can also buy larger quantities of fruits and vegetables, which saves us money and effort.” — AYSHA, home-based business owner, Jordan
PROTEKT is helping restore the King Talal Dam, a vital part of Jordan’s water infrastructure. Construction and rehabilitation work are maintaining the dam’s storage capacity; reducing sediment; and controlling water flow and flooding on agricultural land. (Donor: BMZ GIZ)
“By preserving these lands, we help protect families’ main source of income.” — AHMAD, Project Manager, Jordan
After nine years of successful implementation in Pakistan, the Community Mobilization Program closed in 2022. We partnered with parents, teachers, local officials, and businesses to increase community and private-sector involvement in school reforms. More than 100 schools, along with a set of resources and guides, were handed over to private, local organizations to carry progress forward through community-led initiatives. (Donor: USAID)
“Women who invest in their communities and families became members of school management committees, leaders, and advocates for their children. There was a big challenge in the beginning that women were not part of decision-making, especially on girls’ enrollment.” — JABBAR, Community Engagement Advisor, Pakistan
The Essential Services, Good Governance, and Economic Recovery project worked with local authorities in northeast Syria to restore infrastructure and support reintegration of internally displaced people and returnees. Teams rehabilitated health facilities, including the Hasakah National Hospital, and provided guidance for a locally led needs assessment. Other activities, including rehabilitating agricultural areas, installing solar-powered irrigation, and establishing a poultry hatchery, revitalized value chains while creating job opportunities. (Donor: USAID)
“I get my inspiration from people’s courage and unwavering spirit to keep going even in the face of hardship. I have learned that collaboration, coordination, and mutual support for serving the greater good is what made working with others, especially children, possible. Good always prevails.”
— JWAN, Senior Protection Officer, Iraq
Financial Report
U.S. Government awards to provide relief, recovery, and resilience (64%)
Afghanistan: Conflict Mitigation Assistance for Civilians
Colombia: Acogida; Closing Emergency Assistance Gaps for Victims of Displacement
Syria: Shelter and Food Emergency Response (I & II); Camp Coordination and Camp Management
Bilateral (foreign government) and multilateral assistance awards and contracts to support vulnerable and displaced populations (26%)
Iraq: Achieving Measurable Access to Livelihoods
Jordan: Community-Based Protection IV; Protection of King Talal Dam through Labour-Intensive Activities; Smart Desert; Supporting Communities through Organized Recreation and Events IV; Supporting Creative Entrepreneurship II
Syria: Conflict Management and Stabilisation in Al Hol and Roj; Humanitarian Support for Al Hol and Roj; Tahseen
U.S. and non-U.S. Government contracts to build long-term resilience (10%)
Pakistan: Sindh Community Mobilization Program
Syria: Essential Services, Good Governance, and Economic Recovery

Blumont Leadership Team
Jonathan Nash, President and Chief Executive Officer
Laura Fogarty, Vice President, Contracts, Grants, and Compliance; Corporate Secretary
Susan Herbert Peacock, Chief Human Resources Officer
Eric Lundgren, Vice President, Global Operations
Rob Murphy, Chief Financial Officer
Roman Ponos, Vice President, Business Development
Malek Alraddad, Program Director, SAFER II
Daniel Bichanich, Chief of Party, Essential Services in Syria
Camilo Buitrago-Hernández, Program Director, Acogida
Carla Clemons, Director, Internal Audit
Peter Coriander, Senior International Recruiter
Zarko Draganic, Chief of Party, COMAC
Justin Dunlap, Director, Business Development
Daoud Ghaznawi, Program Director
Dr. Gary Glass, Director, Monitoring and Evaluation
Caroline Haddad-Ayoub, Country Director, Jordan
Geoff Hughes, Director, Global Security and Risk Management
Catherine Injairu, Director, Human Resources, Iraq
Juan Pablo Franco Jiménez, Country Director, Colombia
Nadeen Khost, Program Director, Uplift
Lana Al Maani, Program Manager, Smart Desert
Ahmad Al Rwabdah, Program Manager, PROTEKT
Izabella Navin, Director of Global Operations
Sarah Ness, Deputy Chief of Party, Essential Services in Syria
Kate Pritchard, Senior Director, Communications
Lorea Russell, Technical Director
Omar Saad Allah, Head of Programs, Baghdad
Rawa Sadiq, Program Director, SHRAH & Conflict Management and Stabilisation
Sohini Sarkar, Program Operations Director, COMAC
Ahmad Shamasneh, Senior Director of Finance and Administration
Paige Shannon, General Counsel/Compliance and Ethics Officer
Yousuf Shbair, Controller
Hani Takla, Assistant Vice President, Contracts and Grants
Kristine Wolter, Assistant Vice President, Global Human Resources
Richard D. George, Chair
Mary Ann Hopkins, Vice Chair
Kendra Davenport, Member
Randa Fahmy, Member
Fatema Sumar, Member
Alison Taunton-Rigby, Member
Larry Warren, Member
Partners and Donors Include:
Agence Française de Développement
Al-Mesalla Organization
Bundesministerium Für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Fundación Entre Dos Tierras
German Federal Foreign Office
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Government of Sindh School Education and Literacy Department
Hussein Technical University
Integrity Global
Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management
International Organization for Migration
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sport
Lawyers Without Borders
Municipalities of San Vicente del Caguán, Curillo, and San José del Fragua
Patrulla Aérea Civil Colombiana
Peace and Sport
Rahman Safi International Consulting
Sayara Strategies
Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas
USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Venezolanos en Barranquilla
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